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Book Review: The Raven Boys

The Raven Boys, the first book in The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater, is a book that came highly recommended by a couple of my writing friends. When you visit someone and they literally can't put a book down while you're there, it tends to be a good sign.

So I was very pleased it was a book club pick. Even more so once I actually did start to read it.

Because wow.

Right off the bat you're hit with the right amount of mystical to make things real interesting real fast. I can be a sucker for the that kind of thing, so the psychic abilities of Blue's family were immediate attention grabbers for me. And it kept up. Meeting Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Noah, I was pulled into their search for the Henrietta ley line and hunt for Glendower.

They each have their own motivations for doing what they're doing and their individual personalities are evident. Their unique voices are signs of good characters that are really compelling to read.

And if the characters weren't incentive enough, the plot they move along makes you want to keep turning the page. The story is full of mysteries, and each chapter brings you closer and further away from them at the same time. It's clear the book isn't meant to stand alone, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

I find Stiefvater's writing in this story to be pretty expertly crafted as well. Something about the way she blends words together at times can get the point across while sounding poetic. All without seeming excessive and flowery. Between word choice, sentence structure, and foreshadowing--there was a lot to impress me about this story.

I can't wait to read The Dream Thieves and then on into the rest of the series. And once I know the whole story, this is one I'll want to start again. I'm positive there will be more to pick up that just can't be caught on the first round.

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